Anthony Amoroso MD - Physician Assistant Programs-Facts and Figures

 Is attending medical school not an option for you but you still wish to work in a medical setting? Would you prefer to work with the general public and not with military officials?


Anthony Amoroso MD - Physician Assistant Programs-Facts and Figures

Your lifelong dream to be a part of the booming healthcare world has not been shattered yet. There is still time.

In fact, this might prove to be the best possible option for someone working in the medical sector (who is not a doctor) to serve the community, and earn a good amount of money too.


Who is a Physician Assistant?


A physician assistant is a highly qualified healthcare professional who is granted permission to practice medicine, under the guidance of a licensed physician. These professionals conduct physical exams, counsel patients, assist in surgeries, and write prescriptions among others.


Schools offering Physician Assistant Programs.


It is only after 2005 that physician assistants began to be employed outside Canadian Military. This decision paved a way for the introduction of three university-level degrees to educate prospective students.


• University of Toronto- This school ranks in the top 20 universities of the world, and is known to offer the best Bachelor of Science degree in this field. In order to get enrolled, you must complete two years of university level study with an un-weighted GPA of 3.00. You must also complete required science courses. A letter of recommendation, and an interview might be necessary is some cases. The program consists of conceptual work as well as hands-on approach. Tuition is about $9000 a year. Financial aid is available.


• McMaster University- Another renowned university that offers a two year Physician Assistant Programs. The requirements are pretty much the same as above, but entrance is mainly dependent on the results of an interview. In this program only the final year is dedicated to practical training. The tuition is $9735 a year. Financial aid is available.


• University of Manitoba- This school offers Canada's only graduate level program in physician assistant training. Candidates must hold a four year undergraduate degree, preferably in health sciences. They must also graduate with a GPA of at least 3.0. Students study a rigorous two year coursework dealing in all branches of health science. The tuition comes up to about $14700 a year. Financial aid is available.


Advantages of Becoming a Physician Assistant


• As a qualified assistant you can switch your specialty whenever you want, without having to worry about returning to school again.

• You can have a career in about six to eight years unlike doctors, and still remain highly respected in the industry.

• Many survey results show the prospects of the professionals in this field are likely to double in the near future.

• Physician Assistants specializing in primary care earn an income of about $84326 annually, on an average and the ones specializing in surgical areas earn about $97207 annually. These figures do not include retirement benefits. Thus it just could be the 'in' thing for many of you out there.





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